Monday, July 19, 2004

At The Movies

Last night we went to the movies. We saw "The Notebook." Lynn asked me if I knew what it was about. I couldn't remember. A few minutes into the movie I leaned over and said that I did know what it was about -- a couple's enduring love while suffering from Alzheimer's. Yikes, who's suffering??

I once was playing the piano and singing for an Alzheimer unit in Reading. I had been playing about a half hour and was having a hard time finding songs. I finally landed on one and commented to the audience that I knew they would appreciate it. It was special to me and I hoped that they would enjoy it as well. Half way through the song I had a niggling suspicion. At the end I discovered what was niggling me. With any other audience I would have been mortified. But with this audience I figured it was par for the course. This song was the first one I had played for them that day. Pathetic.

We brought Jesse to the movie last night. He loved the movement on the screen and after a discreet feeding fell fast asleep till the end of the flick.

"The Notebook" is excellent. It seemed non scripted, so natural were the conversations. The acting was captivating. It felt like you were a fly on the wall. I should remember Allie and Noah's real names but I don't. I don't think I've seen them in anything else. That doesn't mean they haven't been in others, I just haven't seen them. I was caught up into their summer romance. The scenes of love were sweet and refreshing. ( I can't believe I'm saying this..) I told Lynn today that I want to see this again. He surprised me, he does too.

Tonight, no movie, but I'm hankering for popcorn and a good coke. Where are you Maggie?