Thursday, November 19, 2009

Anthropogenic, Do You Know What That Means?

Dear Mr. President,

Wow! I just scanned the Copenhagan Treaty. It felt as if I was walking through a sterile metallic hall squinting through small windows of steel doorways. There is not a sound in the hall. The only sound is the poor fellow escorted to the exit door. Too many beans last night and this treaty requires complete compliance. Reading the treaty was akin to reading the scariest SciFi Novel ever produced, it lulls you along with a monotonous tone deceiving you to believe that there is no vile, no evil intentions here. But as you read you hear the crescendo of the dull, faint scream in the background.

It was the YouTube clip that first informed me of this treaty. "On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change skeptic, gave a presentation at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN." I felt like I was getting my info from tabloids..........However, it lead me to the actual treaty that has been posted online. Of course the language was written by a committee who took delight in expressing themselves in humdrum, coded language that is an attempt to leave you feeling dumb but I'm way smarter than that.

This honestly has "smart" people behind it? The essence of this treaty is "to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system in a timely manner." Got that? Anthropogenic seems to be the buzz word. Anthropogenic emissions, now that's a phrase that will surely have your tongue tied but will untie your pocket book strings. WHERE ARE THE WISE MEN OF THE WORLD? I know where they are not! Behind the closed doors that cloistered this committee!

So, this has me on a quest to learn more. The sterile poppycock will take some decoding! First, I discover that the term, anthropogenic, "designates an effect or object resulting from human activity." This term is derived from Paul Crutzenan's term, "anthropocene" he first used in the mid-1970's. Paul is an atmospheric scientist. Two other men, Sherwood Rowling and Mario Molina "published a series of articles putting forward the idea of the impact of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)on the stratospheric ozone." So now we have a new word, anthropogenic- the pollution emissions produced as a result of human industry. (thanks to Wikipedia)

The group of people who came up with this treaty are looking for carbon levels that reflect the pre-industrial period. We can all be re-enactors now! Honestly, honestly, honestly, thank you for whatever your administration did to put off the signing of this stupidity. May you and your administration do everything in your power to see that this treaty is disposed of and don't worry about how you do it. Any emissions from the burning of this treaty will fill the air with more wisdom than carbon. Go ahead do it while you still have the freedom.

The site where I read the treaty was and the YouTube clip was from This should provide one with some entertainment, treaty and YouTube, and in that order!

Mr. President, scanning this treaty I couldn't help but stumble over this in the treaty, USD 160 Billion. Am I correct in assigning U to United, S to States, and D to Dollar? I believe the group that wrote the treaty are men and women looking for a job, there's an abundance of homo sapiens looking for cash. A cash for carbon progam in the making.

Keep your chin up, don't wade through this muck losing your dignity!

Blessings on your day,

Lynne Burkholder

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Eight Year Old Daughter

Dear Mr. President,

My eight year old daughter after listening to a speaker from another country describe the Copenhagan Treaty put her hand to her chest and uttered, "Freedom is what we have here, and now that is going to be taken away?" As I reflect on her statement, knowing that someday she will be a problem solver, I wonder what her response will be when she discovers that Malia and Sasha's daddy supports abortion and in essence supports taking away the freedom to live when that person is not fully developed?

Nicole understands on a black and white level what abortion is, the ending of a life. We believe, in this family of six children, that you become a person at conception. It takes a mighty amount of arrogance for any person to think they KNOW when a person becomes a person. What a mystery the beginning of life is.

Does that cell at conception look like a person? Of course not. Does this mean you're not a person? Who am I to make a reasonable judgment about this and further more who is anyone to err on the side of "maybe not." Are you developing into a person in a mother's womb, yes we know this for a fact because if you and I heard the correct version of the birds and the bees this is where we have are start. All of my children started small and undetected.

When an abortion occurs it many times is beyond this point and at a time when an actual being is seen but still in development, not looking like it will look. Somehow, a number of people have felt the "freedom" to tamper with this fetus in development. I know that you and I don't need to go any further with this. You will believe what you will and though you say we share the same faith we definitely diverge on the sanctity of life, for this is truly the issue, how we view the preciousness of life at all stages. It boils down to honoring one another. You have made a definite decision as to when you believe honor is appropriate and I have made a definite decision as well.

Mr. President, I want this to keep you up at night. I will pray towards this end. I will pray for dreams and visions for you during the night that will challenge your status quo. May you wake up with a reverence for life. May you look at your daughters and shudder knowing that there are millions of little girls and little boys with the same uniqueness and specialness that never saw the light of day because someone exercised THEIR choice against theirs. You and many others don't have me or the pro-lifers to answer to,it will be God.

Enjoy the day with your children. Look at them and admire their beauty, wit, charm,and uniqueness. Why would you be on the side where appreciation for this runs thin. There is much laughter in our home and I am beyond delighted that my children will never consider tampering with human life. They will err on the side of honoring life.

May your day be filled with unexpected views of God's wisdom! Blessings to you and my prayers are with you. May your presidency find success as you ponder the essence of true life and come to an understanding of freedom.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oldest Document

Dear Mr. President,

Have you studied one of the oldest documents STILL in existence? This ancient document that has survived for us today is one which I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, would assist you in your presidency.

First, the wording is not political jargon that leaves one shaking their head wondering why the confusion? Second, it goes all the way back, kinda James Michener style, to the beginning of time revealing why we are in the mess we are in. Third, it goes all the way to the end, the end of life as we now know it.

History is revealed in completeness in this document zooming to the fullness of time. You, as the President, will be awed as to your position, you have been put in place by the one and only God of the universe. Humbling when many and possibly you were duped into thinking it was just your amazing ability to plug into the social media of the day.

You have some significant people, will not mention names, threatening you and pushing you to take sides. You and I both know the side which you need to support and an in depth study of scripture will confirm that. You do not want to mess with the God of the universe, with His chosen people. It is a mystery, one in which I am baffled by but also propelled by as I continue to discover His plan for them while I study scripture.

Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This will happen, it is not a question of if but when. As I type this I begin to feel like the church lady satirized on Saturday Night Live. I do a good impression of her, however this will not be a funny skit when we watch every knee bow and confess. At that time there will be judgment.

The time will come when the Righteous judgment will assess our alignments, where our hearts are poised and lead by, and this will happen when everyone will be acknowledging that God is God and that His son Jesus is God. Decisions will not be made at this point, there will be no turning back.

Finding the Wise Men, Mr. President?


Lynne T. Burkholder

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mr. President,

It has been too long since I've penned you. When I fail to write you daily, I fail to keep you in my prayers and I fail to keep current with the latest. As you swirl through your day I have something for you to keep in mind. You are in a position that is still revered, a position of authority over the United States. Will this always be a revered position? That I believe is up to you.

Former President Clinton certainly did not do his fair share of raising the bar while in office. They say that he left the White House in shambles and the amount of cleaning alone that was required was indicative of the level of respect his administration had for their positions of authority. How will it end for you?

I need to tell you that I am on a countdown, similar to the one that starts twenty-five days before Christmas. I ask myself, "when is the next election?" I shake my head when I realize that not even a year has passed. It seems like eternity. The confusion I believe stems from the parties preparing earlier than normal. Instead of a two year campaign it looks like it will be a three and a half year campaign. Why the early campaigning? What is it about your administration that has caused this early start? Have you delivered unrest instead of change?

Your presidency has certainly brought much to the forefront and for that I am grateful. The republican party is undergoing a major reassessment and one can only hope that the party will be better for it! But I ask you, how will it end for you? Will you leave knowing that you raised the bar for the position of authority you now hold? Or will you bring it down a notch like Clinton did?

How can you manage to leave and still remain a positive political figure as I believe former president Ronald Reagan was able to do. I watched his October 1964 speech titled, "A Time for Choosing" and was inspired, awed, ready for the fight. Have you listened to this speech? It might be time to watch it again.

Please, Mr. President, take time now to view this speech and require your family, your administration, and maybe even your dog to watch. Determine to leave the White House a better place because you were there!

Have a nice day! Remember to revere life, learn to revere life.


Lynne Burkholder