Monday, August 31, 2009

That Perfect Fall Day of September Changed The Way We Look at a Perfect Fall Day of September

Mr. President,

Today is a crystal clear day. There is not a cloud in the September Sky. The air is superb. I'm walking in the early morning.

And then I stop.

I am remembering that fateful day when the sky was empty and blue. The day when life in America suddenly looked foreign.

September eleventh not only brought heartache to this nation. It changed our view of a beautiful fall, cloudless, sunny day. What once we associated with apple trees loaded, harvest bountifully laid out on a farmer's market bench, striking fall flowers, is now associated with terror.

If we let it.

Mr. President, what did the last administration do during the time of terror that is worthy of commendation? How did President Bush and Dick Cheney handle the matters of national security that was exemplary? There is no other administration known to our young republic that endured such painful moments, that endured a shaking at its core.

There must be something you can find that is worthy of your praise.

As we near the anniversary of this fateful day I encourage you to take a few moments each day and ask your administration to scratch the surface (it will not be a deep dig) and come with up with a tribute to the former administration's handling of America under attack. What you affirm, acknowledge and commend will be done to you as well.

We, Americans, are grateful that the years have accumulated with out another major catastrophe on our land. Would you and your administration engage in a counting of blessings? Would you be willing to name them one by one, as the old hymn goes.

I promise you this exercise in gratitude, giving credit where credit is due will fall back on your administration this fall with positive results. Prove that the Democrats are not negative.

I don't know enough to weigh in on the debate that is ensuing with the CIA and your administration. But I do know enough of life to suggest that you probably should tread cautiously.

Your administration's handling of the former administration's modus operandi during those terrifying days will pave the road for when you attend the next president's inauguration. These kinds of positive activities, the counting of blessings and honoring of people, might afford you another term.

I'm telling you, Mr. President, I'm here to help. Just please remember I'm opiniated as Americans are freely allowed to be!

Have a good day!


Mrs. Burkholder

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Humility Leads Despite Popularity

Dear Mr. President,

Your popularity is reported as dropping. Don't let this deter you from leading the country with strength, purpose, and humility. I was recalling a time in the "MAN'S" life that revealed the fickleness of humanity. He was surrounded by a crowd in awe of ALL His Words. Oooohing and ahhing were probably audible. But then there was something He said. That did it! Done! All Done! The crowd turned on Him. He slipped away with stones hurled at His back.

He made a comment to His followers that gives me perspective when surrounded by a lack of support. He told them He didn't put His trust in anyone. What is odd about that statement is that this Man was devoted, dedicated to the point of death for that very crowd and every other crowd and finally the crowd that had him murdered.

Love that crowd, indeed He did! Trust that crowd, indeed He didn't. His love for them was not dependent on His trust of them.

I was wondering, Mr. President, what you think of His perspective? I watched the nation oohhh and ahhh after you. I heard terms such as Messiah and Anointed One slapped on your back. I was waiting for you to humbly deny them. I watched crowds gaze at you as if they had just made a long arduous pilgramage, their eyes finally gazing at their destination.

I was stunned. I don't think I ever heard you say to the public that these terms of divinity were totally inappropriate. You didn't create separation between the terms of divinity and you. Why?

This "Man" came to serve humanity. His main mission was not to gain support but to serve. He knew what He was about. He was THE MAN! He had everything. He owned everything. Even Knowing this and because of this, He rubbed shoulders with everyday people all the time and everyone was important to Him. He never allowed the opinion of others to deter or affect His love of them, His service to them, and His mission for them.

Wisdom allows us to serve with and in humility the crowd that can turn on a dime. This Man saved the crowd, it's been done, this is not part of your job description. What do you have to do? Walk in perspective and make sure that you are understanding where you need to get your affirmation from, don't look to the crowd.

This Man when pelted with rocks did not deter from His purpose, His mission, His service to the crowd. Their opinion did not steer His ship. His love, His wisdom, His insight, His humility steered His ship.

Do not accept labels that flatter, it will get you no where. The Messiah, the Anointed One is only one Man, no one will ever take His place. No one should ever want to!

Your priviledge of leading this country needs to be seen in light of the "MAN." Understand Americans are listening to your silence. You shout acceptance silently when you accept being called what you are not.

Seek Wisdom. Serve with Humility as the polls reveal the fickleness of man.


Mrs. Burkholder

Friday, August 28, 2009

Read Heschel on The Sabbath!

Dear Mr. President,

Today I will be returning from my "vacation." Four weeks ago I planned on coming to Rhode Island to play with my three younger children, have meaningful talks with my parents and return home to face the next school year.... rested. Instead as life would have it the plans changed. I was a caregiver to my mother who had open heart surgery. My children had fun with my brother and his family and I had meaningful talks with my parents but it looked a little different than we all had anticipated.

I will go home rested but my feet will have to hit the ground running. Saturday I will assist my nineteen year old in one of the age old traditions, taking your child to college. After Labor Day I will officially start my new job and begin another school year of home schooling with the three youngest. I look forward to teach another kindergartner to read!

It was stated in one of the news articles that you are going to Camp David to rest from your vacation. I can understand that. This was your first "official" vacation with your family and I'm sure with the death of Ted Kennedy in the middle of it there was mental arranging to do. You wanted, and rightly so needed, to share your condolences and then come back to your vacation with the work laid out for you; figuring out how to rest as President of the United States.

God gave us a gift, the Sabbath. Abraham Heschel has a book called "The Sabbath" that would do you well to read. It helps to form the perspective that is needed for the day of rest. Imagine the Creator resting. You also need to rest one day as well. I pray that during your administration you can cultivate this discipline that not only allows for rest but gives life.

It is humility that allows one to have a day of rest. It is the arrogant who assume they simply can not rest for fear that all of their best laid plans would unravel without them vigilant at the helm.

Rest, Mr. President, rest. Learn how to rest so that all of the world's issues, the Americans issues are placed in perspective. There is a proverb that is worth quoting here:
"....lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight." Prov. 3:4,5

Try to pass that proverb into legislation................heaven on earth!

Why don't you also give a call to Ms. Pelosi and ask her to abort her fund raising mission, tacky! One hundred thousand dollars will be doing what? There is today some child who is in desperate need of that money to pay for the much needed medical attention. Ms. Pelosi would do well to find that child, today.

Also, it is not looking good for the democrats to be using Ted Kennedy's death to raise support for the Health Care Reform, truly it is not. This is not the time. This is the time to come around his family with comfort, maybe in a couple of weeks but not now. Call Ms. Manners on that one and confirm my advice.

You do need your rest!


Mrs. Burkholder

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Win One For Ted?? Seriously?

Dear Mr. President,

I have much to learn about Ted Kennedy's dream "of quality health care for all Americans." I have not been following politics over the last forty years like maybe I should have. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is hoping that the health care for all Americans will be made a reality because of Ted Kennedy's leadership and inspiration. This is a noble sentiment.

You do understand that Americans would love affordable, accessible, quality health care. But the working American does not want the GOVERNMENT to be the provider of health Care because our concern is that the Federal Government is unequipped to provide QUALITY health care. You do understand this.

There are many Americans who could care less about the quality of the health care that the government would provide, who could care less if there is anything they have to do in return, who could care less. But the Americans who do care are the ones you are receiving your money from, the working Americans who are not comfortable with handouts. If they are receiving government funding they are anxious to get on their feet so that they don't have to receive government funding. This begs the question, so why are Americans not drooling all over the Health Care Reform?

In the Town Halls all over the nation they are telling you why. This quote really bothers me with all due respect to Ted Kennedy, ""In his honor (Ted Kennedy) and as a tribute to his commitment to his ideals, let us stop the shouting and name calling and have a civilized debate on health care reform which I hope, when legislation has been signed into law, will bear his name for his commitment to insuring the health of every American," Byrd said.

Byrd is suggesting a civilized debate on health care reform. Go for it, Mr. President, request Americans such as myself to be involved with the solution, see how civilized we are. Let's stop the shouting and name calling, Mr. Byrd says. So far the town hall sessions that I have viewed have been filled with concerned citizens, American citizens. Some are a little heated, some a little out of control, but Americans are talking and last time I checked this is a government run by the people, is it not? Is it that they are in disagreement that bothers the democrats and allows the democrats to put them in a box that is labeled, "Disagreeable, disgruntled, and uncivilized?"

This is America, Mr. President. We fought for freedom of speech. I believe your Administration should do some history lessons, dust off their history books, see from whence we have come. I think then you'll not be shaking your head in disbelief over the response of the American people. Instead you'll sit straight and tall, listen up and be careful as to how you proceed. A giant has been awakened, a giant.

It is not Ted Kennedy that should be the focal point of this bill. It is not the chant, "win one for Ted" that should be the point that changes people's mind. This is a mammoth bill not requiring a simplistic chant as one would do at a football game, for Pete's sake! This is increasing the Federal Government's roll in ways in which Americans don't believe the Government was intended to run. We are all for quality health care but let's allow the American people to bring it to fruition. Focus on the ways in which the government can encourage the nation to be a quality health care provider and a compassionate one.

When you look into the workings and goings on of any Veteran's Administration Hospitals do you come away impressed? If you do you are not with the majority.

Any of the quotes were taken from this site:

Have a good day.


Mrs. Burkholder

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Beast? No, I Don't Think So!

Dear Mr. President,

I was traveling on Route 114 in Rhode Island this morning and there were police cars surrounding picketers. The picketers were waving their placards adamantly. It was a struggle to stay on the road and see what they said. However the big lettering on the posters made it easy. They were all about the Health Care Reform, every one of them. One said, "Stop the Beast!"

You and I both know they were referring to you. My insides flinched. I might disagree with you but I would never call you a beast. You are a man who desired to run for president. You and your team successfully communicated with the younger generation via their mode of communication such as facebook, emails etc. winning their votes . You raised money like a mad man determined to raise as much capital needed for the hoped for business plan. You did it, you were successful. But beast? No, I don't think so.

Your wife validates you. Michele does not look like a woman who would stay married to a beast. And though her mother looks quiet you can tell she has steel for a backbone and if you mess with her daughter or her'll pay! So, Mr. President, beast I would not call you. I am sorry for these strong labels and I hope that you keep it all in perspective.

Americans are awakened. They, we, have been sleeping for too long. You are going to have to give us some time to get the sleepies out of our eyes and the morning grumps worked out. Being called a beast is what an early morning riser could be accused of, you just have to give us room.

I will always look back on your administration as the time when Rumpelstiltskin, a.k.a. the American woke up. You did it, you have engaged us. Now, it behooves you to listen, take notes, and reflect on how you should proceed. There are some great ideas in this land and it is time you harvest those great ideas.

Though I am a republican I will do my part to encourage my fellow republicans to not bash you just because they disagree. We are all in this together.

Here's a thought. Why not create a contest of sorts that has to do with the Health Care Reform.
Why not award the state that successfully pulls off a Health Care Program that follows a set of criteria established by your administration (and established with the help of "WISE" people.)
For example,the state that insures 100% of their indigents is awarded a monetary value to be determined. Actually why don't you create a series of contests with a variety of criterias?! Mr. President, you need to get creative. Step out of the politics paradigm and enter the REAL world.

Today, I lift up my prayers for the family that lost a great family member, Ted Kennedy. May you learn from his successes and his mistakes and may you continue to pour into your family with us much persistence as you used trying to become President. When all is said and done and life comes to a close as it has for Ted Kennedy the only thing that will matter to you is your relationship with your children and wife!
Think on these things!


Mrs. Burkholder

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Let Them Eat Cake!"

Dear Mr. President,

As I viewed the picture of your family walking out of Air Force One I couldn't decide how I felt or how I was to feel. What fun for your children to be experiencing life like this and hopefully you will help them keep it all in perspective. What fun for your wife to be experiencing life like this. But then I wonder what you and your family are communicating by this extravagant visit and are you tracking, are you really putting your ear to the ground and understanding what you are conveying?

I am the last one to be a wet blanket, I love opportunities. However, as a mother of six children, owner with my husband of two businesses that are hand to mouth existing, vacations are few and far between. Our oldest daughter got married just two weeks ago. To prepare for the reception in our back yard, I was out gardening from late spring up until now. All the while trying to figure out where the money for the wedding was coming from .

The nation is financially struggling, many people are losing their homes, their businesses, their careers and you are staying on an island at a home that's worth beyond what most of us will ever see. Why aren't we all in politics, I don't get it?

You have requested privacy and that is understandable for a movie star but honestly, Mr. President, not for the President of the United States. It is our tax money (quite the struggle to pay) that you are using. You don't have the luxury of privacy for things such as this. You owe us a view into your time. You ran for office and not under duress, you knew this was part of it.

Most Americans respect you and your wife's need for protecting your young daughters from the public eye and scrutiny but how you are handling this vacation is making me uncomfortable with your lack of transparency during it, it verges on elitism, not going over well! We Americans are taking note and I can safely say that these notes are bipartisan.

Again, who is advising you on such things?

Of course, I believe we all need to have some rest and relaxation but you had an opportunity to show the nation how to do it within reason, not in such affluence. And now you are shutting the door and requesting privacy, this is rude. "Let them eat cake" is all I hear communicated through your Martha Vineyard Vacation.


Mrs. Burkholder

Sunday, August 23, 2009

When Will You Meet with those in the Trenches of the Medical Profession?

Dear Mr. President,

Good morning. I believe you are in Martha's Vineyard this week. Hopefully hurricane Bill will only add to the marvel of it all and not detract from a needed vacation. As you take time to rest ( and honestly how do you do that as president?) please allow yourself to let your mind wander to different scenerios that you might not have in D.C.

You need to make sure that the voices you are surrounded by are the voices that will help the United States remain a blessed nation. Do not take for granted God's blessing on this country and do not take for granted God's moral laws. Don't mess with those Mr. President and if you are unsure of what I mean please do what needs to be done to determine what I mean.

I am with my mother for the week to attend to her after her open heart surgery on Monday. Today the visiting nurse visited. I asked her what her take was on the Health Care Reform Bill. I wasn't sure if she would engage or if she would politely let me know that this is not what she came to do. She engaged.

She had some excellent ideas. I encouraged her to write to you, to talk to her elected officials and to not just sit on her wisdom. These are the men and women I am talking about when I ask you, Mr. President, to search for the wisdom of the land amongst the citizens. She wonders where are the Doctors in all of this, what are they thinking. She feels there is an eery silence and wonders why.

She thinks you are a genius and yet she has no faith in the government being able to manage such a mammoth beast as the Health Care Reform, no faith whatsoever. She believes there is a problem with insurance companies such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield who keep care from patients. She in contrast sees herself as a part of the medical community that desires to see care given where need be regardless of cost.

She sees a real need for the ER rooms to be managed better and better options for indigents rather than the ER rooms. More clinics is clearly a need in her mind. This woman would do you well to talk to and it confirms my belief that the creative solutions are roaming the streets and your challenge is to allow them to roam into the White House. Let the Doctors and Nurses, the clinicians figure this one out. The insurance companies should stay seated until the medical profession works out the kinks.

Focus on the uninsured, don't mess with the insured. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Start with the poorest of poor and go from there. Rush not, only fools rush in.

Enjoy Martha's Vineyard and make sure you take advantage of the this time with the three women who matter the most!


Mrs. Burkholder

Friday, August 21, 2009

Engage the public about the public insurance

Dear Mr. President,
Good morning! Are you a coffee drinker? My husband and I have started a small coffee business, A couple of years ago my husband, Lynn, began roasting. We were entertaining some missionary friends who brought with them a hostess gift of their home roasted coffee beans. We had no grinder and ended up trying our blender. This was the beginning of the good smells in my kitchen.

Lynn is an entrepreneur and I thought this was another rabbit trail that often takes more money than makes more money. Not so. We have discovered that he is an exceptional roaster, who would have thought? He has since created quite the local following in our area. We sell to the grocery store in town and to a couple of local farm stores.

All this to say I am drinking my one cup a day surrounded by the smell of a coffee shop in my own kitchen. I wish I could give you a try of our coffee. I can imagine the furor if I would try to send you a package in the mail. If you like coffee, you'd love his roast. Maybe someday if I have the privilege of meeting you face to face I will be able to give you one or two bags (or however many you want within reason).

Though I do not understand all that the Health Care Reform entails, means, hints at, etc. etc. I do know one thing, I can identify with your frustration of not feeling heard. I marvel at how things can be jumbled in the listeners mind even when you know you are making yourself perfectly clear. And the question is what to do, how can we pull the listener onto the same page? This is the trick and for the sake of America I pray that your points to be communicated will be communicated well. We need to know exactly what you have in mind.

Having six children has given me some help in trying to pull people onto the same page as well as showing me how difficult it is. All six of my children have six different and unique personalities and six different ways of hearing. Some of them readily agree with me and I know instantly they are not listening. Some of them argue the entire time ,totally engaged and are easier to pull onto the page than the readily agreed ones. And what it ofttimes boils down to is not giving up, but rather having the persistence in relaying the message in a variety of ways.

Why don't you pose some questions and ask the American people to do a bit of research on their own. Ask them what does it mean when one says the following; single-payer, public option, nationalization, socialization etc. etc. What do you like about your health care at present? What don't you like about your health care at present? What keeps you up at night in regards to your health care?

When you ask people questions in a transitional period, a crossroad moment, you are engaging them to be part of the solution. You are asking them to invest their thoughts along with yours to this mammoth issue. People appreciate the recognition that their input is valid. When their approval is required without giving them the dignity of involvement, you are setting yourself up for a mountain climb in winning them over to your side.

Mr. President, I am here to help. I am not here to agree but I am here to help. I cannot put you in a box and cynically view you as trying to lead our nation into a straight jacket government where you say jump and we say how high? You deserve more credit than that. We don't know you, you need time.

It all boils down to communication and if you keep in mind the need to respect the American's need to be engaged in this issue I do believe you'll make some progress. Start by asking the Americans the questions that hound you on this Health Care Issue, the questions that are before the congress. Ask the right questions, engage the public.

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20

You are a good man, Mr. President. Have a good day.


Mrs. Burkholder

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Familiarizing Myself with Unfamiliar Terms

Dear Mr. President,

Good morning. I am trying to become more educated with some of the terms that I am hearing for the first time. You are responsible for this interest and I want to thank you. This morning I am roaming through different websites trying to inform myself about single-payer health care and public option. I had never heard these terms before your administration and I believe now is the time to understand the definition of these emerging “household” phrases. Where have I been?

Here all along ( all along defined as the amount of time since I heard the phrase- all of two months- and now) I thought single-payer health care referred to the patient, a single-patient paying. But in fact it refers to the fund that pays for the patient's care. I go to the doctor and the doctor receives payment from one fund no matter who his patient is. I sit in the waiting room with a number of people and we all receive services and the payment for those services is from one fund. There is not a myriad of different papers for the secretary to fill out reflecting each patients' different insurance companies, just one.

I realize that there is more to this than what I am describing but am I on the right track? So, now the question is where is the source of the money coming from that feeds this single- fund? Is it taxes, or money that would have been spent on the patient's health insurance premiums?So, the money is coming from the government but it's not being paid to government workers, correct? That would be socialism, correct?

Is this something that could really work? Is the government capable of efficiently running something like this? I am praying that clarity will be given to you as you plow through the many issues you face.

May God bless you, Mr. President!

Mrs. Burkholder

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank you for pulling the plug on!

Dear Mr. President,

Yes!! Thank you for shutting down this monitoring of rumors. I was happy to read this in the morning news:
"Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan. Read more:"

We, Americans, are not looking for perfection, we are looking for an administration willing to listen to us the people who are part of this nation. We know we make mistakes, it's the humanness of us all and when we recognize our mistakes and rectify them we become even more loved by others. I am grateful that your administration is listening to the people and rectifying your mistakes. This will endear you to the people.

Yesterday I was talking to a man in his fifties, it didn't go so well. He is a devout democrat, truly devout and I was telling him that I have been emailing you. I am not quite sure where or why the conversation went south but south it went.

I asked him about this collecting of rumors that could be sent to I wasn't clear if he really knew about this but he adamantly agreed with it. He thought it an excellent idea.

He called me self-righteous and honestly I can't even remember why I was given that label. The conversation became confusing to me. I had warned him I am not smart enough for a rousing debate of the Ivy league sort. I didn't need to warn him I don't think there was any Ivy league debate going on between the two of us. I deal in simple, common thoughts and ways on a issue that makes more sense to the person next door than the person in the dorm.

He wondered what I thought about the Health Care Reform and I commented that I thought the Administration needed to give it time. He said it needed to be pushed through or it will never happen. I said that I didn't know enough about it and I needed more clear information. He didn't seem to hear that. By his reactions I could tell he thought I was preposterous for wanting more information. I believe he translated my caution about the speed of pushing the bill as a total disagreement with the bill.

He also made it perfectly clear how ridiculous it was for me to have our state representative come, pre-election, to my house to talk about the state of affairs. The state representative is a republican and a Christian. I think that combination for him is nauseating. I had not remembered telling him about the state representative's visits but clearly he was tracking the political events in our home.

I told him he was putting me in a box and this began what I call the monkey act. He mimicked everything that I said and before I understood how far he was going to take this we were into a mirror, mimic scene. "Caps For Sale" have you and your daughters read this? That's all I could think of when he repeated everything I said.

It went like this:

"You are putting me in a box, " I said.

"You are putting me in a box," he replied.

"I can't believe this."

"I can't believe this."



Thankfully two of my friends came to the door. They wanted to help clean up after our daughter's wedding this weekend. As you can see there's not a whole lot of wisdom that went back and forth between the fifty year old man and myself. I thanked him for coming and said goodbye.

I love a debate. I enjoy talking with people who have opposing views. I revel in diversity,I have never surrounded myself with people of the same views. When I am with people who are all alike I am bored and the word that comes to my mind is "milk toast." But this was no debate, this kind of banter doesn't even come close to a debate.

All this to say, I desire for our nation to be filled with people of opposing views who are willing to talk and listen, talk and listen, talk and listen. Wisdom is listening, thinking, processing, calculating, not reacting without thinking, nor rushing headlong into a decision without calculating.

Mr. President, I believe I am seeing wisdom come out of your administration. This is not surprising to me. I know you are more than capable. You have been gifted by the Gifter, this in and of itself marks you a remarkable man. I ask you to raise the bar and encourage us to be civil and cordial with one another as we discuss our views.

You showed us how we can come together after hurtful words. In your backyard you had Sgt. Crowley and Mr. Gates come over for a beer. Thank you for that! As a president you can encourage people to think and not rush into passing bills before they are truly understood.
We look to you for clear leadership! Lead with wisdom. Just make sure it's wisdom from the right source.

Mrs. Burkholder

Monday, August 17, 2009

Have we asked the Canadians about our Health Care Bill?

Dear Mr. President,

If your weekend was as splendid as mine you are truly facing the week with all the joy and hope and contentment that I have. This weekend my daughter's heart was finally satisfied with marrying the man she knew to be hers since she was sixteen.

Life is full of contrasts. This weekend my mother could not attend the wedding, she was watching via webcam operated by my brother because her heart was in need of bypass surgery and the traveling, potential excitement, possible stress was too much to risk. Two hearts, one content and beyond beyond and one sad, sick in need of help.

The surgeon called my mother on Sunday to see how my mother was doing to comfort her the day before the surgery. Health care in America.

Mr. President, please read this

"The pitch for change at the conference is to start with a presentation from Dr. Robert Ouellet, the current president of the CMA (Canadian Medical Association), who has said there's a critical need to make Canada's health-care system patient-centred. He will present details from his fact-finding trip to Europe in January, where he met with health groups in England, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and France.

His thoughts on the issue are already clear. Ouellet has been saying since his return that "a health-care revolution has passed us by," that it's possible to make wait lists disappear while maintaining universal coverage and "that competition should be welcomed, not feared."

The Canadians want their health-care system patient-centered. Hmmm, now this is fascinating. We have what they want and we want they have.

This is what I have observed in my life. At critical points, turns, crossroads, obstacles it is crucial to stop, look, and listen. Wisdom will guide us if we ask for wisdom. Mr. President, I am not convinced that your aides, your "wise men" of your administration, are the wise men you want and need.

You would not believe the bad rap you and your administration are receiving over your desire to recieve "fishy info." Not good. Truly what were you folks thinking, or not thinking. Where are your bright men and women? Honestly, this couldn't get any more un-american.

Why don't you all take a real (pun intended) fishing trip. Catch the fish you can eat, throw back the ones you can't and make a good meal at the end of the day. There's nothing fishy about this. Inactivate that email address, put the retrievers of "fishy information" to better, more dignified work. You must live up to what you were created for, good deeds.

Blessing on your day, Mr. President. Let me know what I can do to help, just remember I do have opinions.


Mrs. Burkholder

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Focus on Hope-the Right One!

Dear Mr. President,

I hope your day proves to be a substantially good day. It is raining in Elverson. This weekend our daughter will be married and the reception is in our back yard. We are praying for weather that will allow such activity. Gardening in my backyard all summer long has afforded me much time to ponder and pray for our nation. There is Hope.

Hope placed in an individual is exactly what I am talking about. This Hope needs to be completely focused on one person. Many focused on you. Although this was/is flattering, you and I both know how fickle popular opinion is and how incapable you are of fixing the nation's ills. The nation's Hope must only rely on the Creator and Savior. This individual is THE only Messiah for this nation and every other nation since the beginning of time.

It has been said that you are a christian. Allow the Judeo/Christian worldview to permeate your White House endeavors. Pray for wisdom from the only one who can provide you with Hope. What an opportunity you have been given.


Mrs. Burkholder

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A democratic blogger's point of view

Dear Mr. President,

Ms. Camille Paglia is a democrat and a blogger of whom I enjoy checking in on every once in a while. She is refreshing, doesn't cut any corners and gets right to the point. I enjoy hearing the otherside's point of view and she is definitely a clear thinking democrat. She proves they are out there. Ms. Paglia is one of your supporters, Mr. President, but not the kind that nods her head in subdued obedience afraid of being reported. Here is what she wrote today.

"I just don't get it. Why the insane rush to pass a bill, any bill, in three weeks? And why such an abject failure by the Obama administration to present the issues to the public in a rational, detailed, informational way? The U.S. is gigantic; many of our states are bigger than whole European nations. The bureaucracy required to institute and manage a nationalized health system here would be Byzantine beyond belief and would vampirically absorb whatever savings Obama thinks could be made. And the transition period would be a nightmare of red tape and mammoth screw-ups, which we can ill afford with a faltering economy."

If you are closely listening to this nation, Ms. Paglia is expressing our sentiments well. There is nothing fishy about this, the burden lies on your administration to present the issues in a clear fashion that makes sense to "common" man. Just remember that when I say "common" it does not in any way shape or form mean unintelligent, dull, boring, lacking,etc., etc. "Common" takes on a spectacular meaning when used of man.

I am beginning to wonder if this is your Administrations' biggest problem, your inability to assume intelligence when relaying pertinent information to the "common" man. Your administration is lacking in common sense and clear communication. Common sense is what has kept our nation running and common sense is clearly running out in the White House as we hear jumbled communication coming from the Administration. Talk to us, Mr. President, talk to us clearly.

You have in the land of the free, free men and women who revel in common sense, who frown on the simpletons with massive degrees. Those of us with common sense can sniff out a knuckle- head ten feet away. They can have as many degrees trailing behind them as they like but when all they do is talk on and on and can't fix a darn thing, don't know how to change a tire, check their oil, build a shed, or do handy work to keep their houses in order we know they are lacking.

Let Ms. Pagalia's words ring through your mind, "Byzantine beyond belief!" Let those words wake you up at night, "Byzantine beyond belief!" Mr. President, there is nothing to rush towards and you want to know what we all think? We think you don't realize you are rushing towards a cliff. Don't do it! Stand back and surround yourself with wisdom!

I'll end my email today with Ms. Paglia's closing words.

"And what do Democrats stand for, if they are so ready to defame concerned citizens as the "mob" -- a word betraying a Marie Antoinette delusion of superiority to ordinary mortals. I thought my party was populist, attentive to the needs and wishes of those outside the power structure. And as a product of the 1960s, I thought the Democratic party was passionately committed to freedom of thought and speech.

But somehow liberals have drifted into a strange servility toward big government, which they revere as a godlike foster father-mother who can dispense all bounty and magically heal all ills. The ethical collapse of the left was nowhere more evident than in the near total silence of liberal media and Web sites at the Obama administration's outrageous solicitation to private citizens to report unacceptable "casual conversations" to the White House. If Republicans had done this, there would have been an angry explosion by Democrats from coast to coast. I was stunned at the failure of liberals to see the blatant totalitarianism in this incident, which the president should have immediately denounced. His failure to do so implicates him in it."

Please read what Ms. Paglia has to say,this is good, this is good.

Please take some moments today to pray for wisdom. I will pray for you as well.

Mrs. Burkholder

Monday, August 10, 2009

Put your ear to the ground, hear the rumble.

Dear Mr. President,

Mr. President, good morning. I am hoping your weekend was restful. I can not imagine how a president juggles all the tasks facing him every day. You have the country looking to you for fine quality leadership and then you have two little girls looking to you for clear fatherly leadership. You are in my prayers.

Not only do your children need for you to lead them, my children need for you to lead this nation with wisdom. My grandchildren just by being born face debt right off the bat. Your grandchildren do as well. How can our country turn that around? Do you realize we can? Do you believe that the American people are capable of this?

We want you, Mr. President, to believe in the American people. The leaders that are successful are the ones who want to empower. You are surrounded by people who are capable of leading our nation out of debt and into freedom. However, though they surround you I don't believe they are in close proximity to you.

Look at what Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have to say, this just has to be the most outlandish thing.

"However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. These tactics have included hanging in effigy one Democratic member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted "Just say no!" drowning out those who wanted to hold a substantive discussion."

Mr. President, you have to do something about them, Nancy and Steny, not the protesters. The people surrounding you are not encouraging differences of opinion. An "ugly campaign " is how they describe the protest. Now the effigy is taking it a bit too far but you need to listen, listen to the protests, listen to the protesters. What are they saying? How can you answer them? What information have you not clearly expressed? Do not allow your administration to quell the crowd because they disagree or are providing "fishy" information.

So many of my friends are talking about this request of "fishy" information from your administration and honestly we are guffawing. There is no better word to describe our disbelief that you have allowed your administration to request the American people to tattle. Someone said that they are discovering that this is illegal. You might want to check that out?

Please, Mr. President, seek for wisdom, look for it in the common places. The "common" man has immeasurable capabilities for the sole reason that he is created by the one who calls Himself, "I AM." Mr. President, you are in such an amazing position afforded with phenomenal opportunities. How can I help you accomplish them?

Have a good day and remember to not take for granted your family!


Mrs. Burkholder

Friday, August 07, 2009

Make John Peter Zenger proud!

August 6, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

Is this true?

“There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

Information that seems fishy? You are really asking people to tattle? Are you giving us more of a view into your parenting than you want to? In my circles of friends this is not acceptable. Tattling is viewed as wimpy, a true weeny child with no backbone. My friends and I are trying to raise children with strong values, and a solid character.

Since when do we try to curtail rumors? Since when do we want to keep track of them? Honestly, there are folks frustrated in the White House because they can not keep track of all the disinformation? Yikes. Mr. President, you can stop all of this. You can stand tall amongst this group of people wasting their time wanting to know what every one is saying about the Health Care Reform that they feel is not true.

I know, I know, you want the truth to be known about the reform. You don't want people to misconstrue what it's really saying. Just remember that truth is truth and truth sets one free. In the end truth remains, rest in that. Don't allow your administration to waste their time in encouraging the american people to engage in one of the most universal, disrespected, anti-american endeavor of tattling.

If this health care reform has any merit it will stand on its own. Why don't you see this "fishy disinformation" as helping you to trouble shoot? You do know there is always another way to look at something. Help your administration to perfect the art of keeping perspective, not in tattling.

I'm hoping you were not aware of this quote. I can't imagine you would have allowed this to be sent. I'm trusting we are not forgetting Freedom of are going to do something about this, correct?

Mr. President, you want to encourage our nation to work together. You want the United States to remain united. You have a ways to go in this endeavor, and the first thing you should do is discourage these kinds of memos from coming out of the White House. Tell me you don't have a bunch of adults who were the weeny kids tattling on their brothers and sisters?! Some people never learn.

What I'd like to know is what are you going to do with all the people who disagree with this Health Care Reform? Are you going to do something with them? I'm not clear on why you want "fishy info" sent to the White House.

Here's how I handle these things, I deal with this all the time. I know the information I have communicated either to a class or a group of people or my own six children. Talk about fishy information coming back! You'd think I was speaking in a different language! I don't ask for anyone to keep ears to the ground for this. I ignore it, move on, and when someone wants to come and make a clear logical point about what they didn't like about what I said, I listen.
We are adults, let's act like it.

You are in an awesome position. Please discourage these types of memos in the land of the free. You have had a fair share of history lessons in your lifetime. You've heard of John Peter Zenger? Now that's a man of courage and these are the kind of men the American people love to remember, the ones who are willing to put their money where their mouth is. Refresh your memory of John Peter Zenger and share it with your daughters and tell them to watch you closely as you make strides to keep this nation free while upholding the freedom of speech that came at a price!!!

We must never take our freedom of speech for granted. Our diversity, our differences of opinons are what unite us, don't forget that Mr. President, don't forget that! I am a republican, I have a democratic President. Am I leaving the country? No, because this nation allows for checks and balances, this nation allows for differences. We must revel in this.

God Bless you, Mr. President, in this endeavor. I believe that you will do the right thing. The truth will set you free.

Mrs. Burkholder

Time Travel

It is like having a baby. I'm asked, "are you ready?" I'm getting there is my reply.

Robyn, my oldest will be married in eight days. To this culture she will be a young bride at age twenty-one. Her future husband is twenty-six and has waited patiently for this moment.

We are praying for a beautiul evening that will be still, no wind, full of warm orange/yellow sunlight casting shadows on the lawn, and a perfect temperature with no dew created on the green grass.

Last Friday was the night I had been requesting. I stood still in my yard and declared it. Ahh yes, let it be, let it be.

We have planned many outdoor events in our back yard with optimism that makes one gag.
When I'm asked if we are going to have a canopy I love watching the faces. Ohhhh, o.k., well that's interesting, so what ARE you going to do?

We're going for the gusto. If a storm decides to come on us fast and furious it will be great fun to challenge ourselves with; how many people can fit into the studio, how many people can fit into our home, how many people can fit into our suburban? We'll have fun.

I have been in my yard all spring, all summer, and now that I've created my bit of heaven, all fall. What a blast to have an excuse to do this. My twelve year old helped me to see that. "Mom, you 've been given the best excuse to do exactly what you love to do!" Perceptive little guy.

It's the countdown. Will I cry? Just yesterday I was close to it. This is surreal, I'm the same person. Aren't you suppose to be different with all these rights of passage. I keep taking my same self everywhere! My daughter who was born yesterday is getting married in a little more than a week. She will be starting her family next Saturday (by virtue of her marriage).
Please pray with my specs I shared in mind. Thank you!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Reverence for Life

Dear Mr. President,

We are here in this world for a reason. Both of our mothers allowed us to be born. We were allowed to live, to discover, to create, to contemplate, to marry, to have children. What a priviledge.

I believe in life and I believe that I have no right to take life from anyone.

I believe in the intricacies of human life and that because of how amazing our bodies are there had to be a creator. I'm not at all interested in upsetting the creator. I look around and there has not been one person that I have met that I am not awed by (even those who tick me off).

I do not want any of my money destroying life. I believe that when that egg and sperm meet there is life. This is marvelous, this is cause for reverence. What I cannot see, what I cannot understand never means that I have the right to destroy it.

Please make sure that this Health Care Reform never allows for public money to be spent in destroying life. Our country is paying a high price for the reckless taking of someone else' s life. Those fighting for the right to live our the ones in this country to be honored. They are true soldiers fighting for freedom. Freedom to live.

Do what you have to do to stand by life, to support life, and to honor life. It will go well with you.

Please have a good day and take time for reflection on all the lives that have been snuffed out by individauls who have chosen to not reverence life, who have chosen to make blind decisions for an individual that was created at conception. And maybe the creation of the person was before conception. There are many mysteries that must not be taken for granted.


Mrs. Burkholder

ps. Where is the lawyer for that life hidden in a womb?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

August 5, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

Good Morning!
Happy Birthday to you. Did you ever imagine that you would be celebrating your birthday in the White House with two lovely young daughters and a beautiful wife???????????

I am praying for you today that you would revel in the day of your birth and recognize the uniqueness and marvelousness of life. You were given the right to be born. You were uniquely created and when you leave this earth there is no replacement for you. The mold that was used for you will never be used again. This is why each life is critical and so important. The moment the Barack Obama cell began was the day you were to be respected.

God created you for good works even before He created the world. That is an awesome thought and it's not original, it is taken from the Book. What are the good works He created you for? Obviously the presidency. You have a unique and momentous opportunity to be the solution for the ills that plague the United States.

Humility is required for your position. Humility to seek the good men of God who desire compassionate and unique solutions for the citizens of the United States.

Today on August 5, 2009 may your day be blessed with the recognition that you are loved by a wonderful family, a White House staff, and citizens of the United States.

Stand tall, go deep, pray hard, serve with humility, and find the wise men of God. These wise men will surround you not only with love but with truth.


Mrs. Burkholder

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Go Deep, Mr. President, Go Deep

August 4, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

Good morning. It is another day to enjoy. I hope you are able to revel in the relationships you are surrounded by. Are your daughters enjoying their stint at the White House? All that they are learning will be immeasurable for them in life. Don't forget they are your first concern along with you wife. If you don't make time for them now and even if your presidency ends on a good note it will be difficult to face the sadness looking out from their eyes. Take time with them. I'm sure you are.

The news again reports people actually chanting, “Just say no!” to what they are calling Obamacare. Or to a congressman in NY they are chanting, “Silent no more!” This congressman is not representing them, they are ticked off and not going to have it anymore.

The American people have awakened, are you aware of this? I venture to say that there is coming a time when you will have no options but to listen. Interesting that the media is reporting that these angry Americans are sent out by Republican and Libertarian parties..........Honestly, C'mon, the media needs to give credit where credit is due. You certainly don't believe that you became president of noodles, do you? Why would you have wanted to do that? You do give the nation credit, correct?

Your popularity is dropping. There are Joker posters in LA and no one knows who is responsible. There is a video circulating where you are saying that you eventually want to see it go to a single payer health care plan. People are chanting in their streets against their democratic elected officials. I guess you could say, “the party is over.” (the pun wasn't intended and still isn't, differences are needed in this nation)

I watch you and you impress me as someone who has the potential to be a solid president, a significant president. For pete's sake you got yourself elected, everything else is gravy. It was an historical moment. But you will only go down in history as truly significant if you take the time to make wise decisions. If you are changing your mind about certain things, tell us. We all understand changing one's mind. Your words in the past are catching up to you. Have you changed your tune or are you still consistent with how you felt back then? Here's hoping you changed your tune?!

Again, find the wise men and there is a wise man who will meet with you anytime, anywhere for anything. He just needs to be asked. Go deep, President Obama, go deep.
I am praying for you and I know many others are as well. You are significant. Make sure you snuggle with those daughters today!

Mrs. Burkholder

Monday, August 03, 2009

Too Clunky

Dear Mr. President,

Good Afternoon. Is it less humid in DC as it is in Elverson, PA? What a beautiful day.

Let's talk for a bit. I was reading about the “Cash for Clunkers” program. It doesn't sound like things are going so well. Maybe the program is a wee bit Clunky?

There are so many wise people in our nation who I'm convinced have not been asked to weigh in on programs such as this. It is easy for a population of politicians to pander to the majority and become a bit dull on critical issues while living right in their midst are wise men and women who would offer advice upon being asked. Wise people tend to be so humble and tend to open their mouths only when asked. (I have a ways to go!)

All I can think of is “Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.” Your daughters have surely read this or even you might have read it to them. There's a role for these engines like there was a basement for the Mike's steam shovel.

Did anyone give thought to the consequences of this program, a yard full of inoperable machines, not available to that family visiting the junk yard trying to make ends meet looking for an affordable engine? The past four years we have survived four accidents, thankfully. Unfortunately we lost four cars. Only one of those accidents was our fault, only one. It's been tough with five driving members of our family and three more to hit the road (not in the near future but in the future). We were just at the junk yard in the winter looking for a cheap part.

I laugh at how we concern ourselves with such things as “Global Warming” and then turn around and balance ourselves with a junk yard of non-recyclable engines. This is when I wish I had the mind of an inventor. Surely something splendid can be done with these clunky engines. Center pieces? Put them in a shadow box on the wall like you might an old antique garden on the wall? Naw, too heavy.

Government needs to be contained. You do realize that as we watch this clunky program overflow with clunky problems our minds race to the Health Care arena and for some you prove their point, government should not have control of this.

Let's make sure this Health Care Reform is truly helpful and not government driven. Is that possible? Let's make it possible.

Did you find some wise men? Did you ask for wisdom? I promise you this, if you seek diligently for wisdom and ask for it God will give you just what you ask for! I dare you. These are exciting times to look for unique solutions, solutions that the American people know how to come up with, go to them.

Affirm the innovative strain that runs through this nation, that waits to solve problems, that has held this nation together for over two hundred years. Government's role should be one of encouraging the American people to do what they do best, invent. We, as a nation, love challenges. Be the president that fosters a nation to flourish under the toughest times. Be the president that influences us to be compassionate not the president that incites us to frustration.

You, Mr. President are capable of this. What's Michele saying about all of this? If you were perceptive at all you probably married a wise woman, what is she saying?
Scrap the “Cash to Clunkers” as it is now. Drive this program out of the yard.

Mrs. Burkholder