Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Resignation Letter of Weight

Matt P. Hoh, a Senior Civilian Representative stationed in Zabul, Afghanistan resigned September 10, 2009. Riveting... He states,"We want to have some kind of governance there, and we have some obligation for it not to be a bloodbath," Hoh said. "But you have to draw the line somewhere, and say this is their problem to solve."

The people of Korengal did not want the American troops. "The insurgency appeared to have arrived in strength only after the Americans did, and the battle between the two forces had achieved only a bloody stalemate."

In the article from the Washington post it states, "If the United States is to remain in Afghanistan, Hoh said, he would advise a reduction in combat forces." The article goes on to say "he also would suggest providing more support for Pakistan, better U.S. communication and propaganda skills to match those of al-Qaeda, and more pressure on Afghan President Hamid Karzai to clean up government corruption -- all options being discussed in White House deliberations."

" 'We are spending ourselves into oblivion' a very talented and intelligent commander, one of America's best, briefs every visitor, staff delegation and senior officer. We are mortgaging our Nation's economy on a war, which, even with increased commitment, will remain a draw for a few years to come. Success and victory, whatever they may be, will be realized not in years, after billions more spent, but in decades and generations. The United States does not enjoy a national treasury for such success and victory."

Thank you, Antony Blinkin,Vice President Biden's foreign policy advisor,for requesting a meeting with Matt P. Hoh. Thank you, White House Administration for taking this resignation letter seriously. Thank you, Matt P. Hoh for conducting your life in such a way you are heard for such a time as this. May we listen.

Mr. President, continue to listen to intelligent, thoughtful, people such as Mr. Matt P. Hoh. I would also suggest conducting a meeting with men and women who have served their lives for the Afghanistan people in a capacity other than combat. A variety of people lend to more wisdom.

Matt P. Hoh ends his resignation letter with a boulder, "The dead return only in bodily form to be received by families who must be reassured their dead have sacrificed for a purpose worthy of futures lost, love vanished, and promised dreams unkept. I have lost confidence such assurances can anymore be made. As such , I submit my resignation."

I can not get this part of his letter out of my head.

May the God of long suffering, redemption, and mercy lead and guide the land of the United States!

Mr. President, you have so much to consider, my prayers are with you!


Lynne Burkholder

If you want to view Matt P. Hoh's resignation letter go to this web address and find a link to the letter:

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Slipping Through Your Fingers Like Sand

Dear Mr. President,

You took your wife on an anniversary date and people were not happy. Our tax money is used every time you step outside the White House and this was no exception. People are not interested in you using their money for this.

You tried to get the Olympics to come to Chicago. They didn't even give you a chance. I heard that your presentation was not worthy of being noted. Why didn't you plan better? As we watch your lack of planning, you need to know it affects the casting of our votes for Health Care.

You gave out white coats to doctors coming to do a push for Health Care Reform, some forgot to bring theirs, too much on their minds, maybe? Were you shooting for a commercial? Did you think we needed this view?

I just viewed a SNL sketch of you listing all that you have not accomplished. Funny and sad. I was shocked that SNL was making fun of you.

The war in Afganistan is eery. There is talk of the dollar being ditched as currency for oil.

Wisdom, have you been doing any thinking about Wisdom? Do you know where to go for Wisdom? Do you know who to listen to for Wisdom? Do you know what to read to gain insight about Wisdom?

Again, I will tell you that there is a Man who embodies Wisdom, ancient wisdom, Wisdom that always was, is , and will be.

Like sand slipping through fingers power flees from your grasp. You are in a perfect position. Nobobdy is expecting much from you, the pressure is off. You are not capable, you feel that every morning you wake up.

But Wisdom is! ANd Wisdom is yours for the asking! The only cost is humility. Go for it, Mr. President. You have nothing else to lose! He will give you Wisdom without finding fault.


Lynne Burkholder