Thursday, August 27, 2009

Win One For Ted?? Seriously?

Dear Mr. President,

I have much to learn about Ted Kennedy's dream "of quality health care for all Americans." I have not been following politics over the last forty years like maybe I should have. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is hoping that the health care for all Americans will be made a reality because of Ted Kennedy's leadership and inspiration. This is a noble sentiment.

You do understand that Americans would love affordable, accessible, quality health care. But the working American does not want the GOVERNMENT to be the provider of health Care because our concern is that the Federal Government is unequipped to provide QUALITY health care. You do understand this.

There are many Americans who could care less about the quality of the health care that the government would provide, who could care less if there is anything they have to do in return, who could care less. But the Americans who do care are the ones you are receiving your money from, the working Americans who are not comfortable with handouts. If they are receiving government funding they are anxious to get on their feet so that they don't have to receive government funding. This begs the question, so why are Americans not drooling all over the Health Care Reform?

In the Town Halls all over the nation they are telling you why. This quote really bothers me with all due respect to Ted Kennedy, ""In his honor (Ted Kennedy) and as a tribute to his commitment to his ideals, let us stop the shouting and name calling and have a civilized debate on health care reform which I hope, when legislation has been signed into law, will bear his name for his commitment to insuring the health of every American," Byrd said.

Byrd is suggesting a civilized debate on health care reform. Go for it, Mr. President, request Americans such as myself to be involved with the solution, see how civilized we are. Let's stop the shouting and name calling, Mr. Byrd says. So far the town hall sessions that I have viewed have been filled with concerned citizens, American citizens. Some are a little heated, some a little out of control, but Americans are talking and last time I checked this is a government run by the people, is it not? Is it that they are in disagreement that bothers the democrats and allows the democrats to put them in a box that is labeled, "Disagreeable, disgruntled, and uncivilized?"

This is America, Mr. President. We fought for freedom of speech. I believe your Administration should do some history lessons, dust off their history books, see from whence we have come. I think then you'll not be shaking your head in disbelief over the response of the American people. Instead you'll sit straight and tall, listen up and be careful as to how you proceed. A giant has been awakened, a giant.

It is not Ted Kennedy that should be the focal point of this bill. It is not the chant, "win one for Ted" that should be the point that changes people's mind. This is a mammoth bill not requiring a simplistic chant as one would do at a football game, for Pete's sake! This is increasing the Federal Government's roll in ways in which Americans don't believe the Government was intended to run. We are all for quality health care but let's allow the American people to bring it to fruition. Focus on the ways in which the government can encourage the nation to be a quality health care provider and a compassionate one.

When you look into the workings and goings on of any Veteran's Administration Hospitals do you come away impressed? If you do you are not with the majority.

Any of the quotes were taken from this site:

Have a good day.


Mrs. Burkholder

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