Sunday, August 30, 2009

Humility Leads Despite Popularity

Dear Mr. President,

Your popularity is reported as dropping. Don't let this deter you from leading the country with strength, purpose, and humility. I was recalling a time in the "MAN'S" life that revealed the fickleness of humanity. He was surrounded by a crowd in awe of ALL His Words. Oooohing and ahhing were probably audible. But then there was something He said. That did it! Done! All Done! The crowd turned on Him. He slipped away with stones hurled at His back.

He made a comment to His followers that gives me perspective when surrounded by a lack of support. He told them He didn't put His trust in anyone. What is odd about that statement is that this Man was devoted, dedicated to the point of death for that very crowd and every other crowd and finally the crowd that had him murdered.

Love that crowd, indeed He did! Trust that crowd, indeed He didn't. His love for them was not dependent on His trust of them.

I was wondering, Mr. President, what you think of His perspective? I watched the nation oohhh and ahhh after you. I heard terms such as Messiah and Anointed One slapped on your back. I was waiting for you to humbly deny them. I watched crowds gaze at you as if they had just made a long arduous pilgramage, their eyes finally gazing at their destination.

I was stunned. I don't think I ever heard you say to the public that these terms of divinity were totally inappropriate. You didn't create separation between the terms of divinity and you. Why?

This "Man" came to serve humanity. His main mission was not to gain support but to serve. He knew what He was about. He was THE MAN! He had everything. He owned everything. Even Knowing this and because of this, He rubbed shoulders with everyday people all the time and everyone was important to Him. He never allowed the opinion of others to deter or affect His love of them, His service to them, and His mission for them.

Wisdom allows us to serve with and in humility the crowd that can turn on a dime. This Man saved the crowd, it's been done, this is not part of your job description. What do you have to do? Walk in perspective and make sure that you are understanding where you need to get your affirmation from, don't look to the crowd.

This Man when pelted with rocks did not deter from His purpose, His mission, His service to the crowd. Their opinion did not steer His ship. His love, His wisdom, His insight, His humility steered His ship.

Do not accept labels that flatter, it will get you no where. The Messiah, the Anointed One is only one Man, no one will ever take His place. No one should ever want to!

Your priviledge of leading this country needs to be seen in light of the "MAN." Understand Americans are listening to your silence. You shout acceptance silently when you accept being called what you are not.

Seek Wisdom. Serve with Humility as the polls reveal the fickleness of man.


Mrs. Burkholder

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