Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Beast? No, I Don't Think So!

Dear Mr. President,

I was traveling on Route 114 in Rhode Island this morning and there were police cars surrounding picketers. The picketers were waving their placards adamantly. It was a struggle to stay on the road and see what they said. However the big lettering on the posters made it easy. They were all about the Health Care Reform, every one of them. One said, "Stop the Beast!"

You and I both know they were referring to you. My insides flinched. I might disagree with you but I would never call you a beast. You are a man who desired to run for president. You and your team successfully communicated with the younger generation via their mode of communication such as facebook, emails etc. winning their votes . You raised money like a mad man determined to raise as much capital needed for the hoped for business plan. You did it, you were successful. But beast? No, I don't think so.

Your wife validates you. Michele does not look like a woman who would stay married to a beast. And though her mother looks quiet you can tell she has steel for a backbone and if you mess with her daughter or her'll pay! So, Mr. President, beast I would not call you. I am sorry for these strong labels and I hope that you keep it all in perspective.

Americans are awakened. They, we, have been sleeping for too long. You are going to have to give us some time to get the sleepies out of our eyes and the morning grumps worked out. Being called a beast is what an early morning riser could be accused of, you just have to give us room.

I will always look back on your administration as the time when Rumpelstiltskin, a.k.a. the American woke up. You did it, you have engaged us. Now, it behooves you to listen, take notes, and reflect on how you should proceed. There are some great ideas in this land and it is time you harvest those great ideas.

Though I am a republican I will do my part to encourage my fellow republicans to not bash you just because they disagree. We are all in this together.

Here's a thought. Why not create a contest of sorts that has to do with the Health Care Reform.
Why not award the state that successfully pulls off a Health Care Program that follows a set of criteria established by your administration (and established with the help of "WISE" people.)
For example,the state that insures 100% of their indigents is awarded a monetary value to be determined. Actually why don't you create a series of contests with a variety of criterias?! Mr. President, you need to get creative. Step out of the politics paradigm and enter the REAL world.

Today, I lift up my prayers for the family that lost a great family member, Ted Kennedy. May you learn from his successes and his mistakes and may you continue to pour into your family with us much persistence as you used trying to become President. When all is said and done and life comes to a close as it has for Ted Kennedy the only thing that will matter to you is your relationship with your children and wife!
Think on these things!


Mrs. Burkholder

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