Thursday, August 06, 2009

Reverence for Life

Dear Mr. President,

We are here in this world for a reason. Both of our mothers allowed us to be born. We were allowed to live, to discover, to create, to contemplate, to marry, to have children. What a priviledge.

I believe in life and I believe that I have no right to take life from anyone.

I believe in the intricacies of human life and that because of how amazing our bodies are there had to be a creator. I'm not at all interested in upsetting the creator. I look around and there has not been one person that I have met that I am not awed by (even those who tick me off).

I do not want any of my money destroying life. I believe that when that egg and sperm meet there is life. This is marvelous, this is cause for reverence. What I cannot see, what I cannot understand never means that I have the right to destroy it.

Please make sure that this Health Care Reform never allows for public money to be spent in destroying life. Our country is paying a high price for the reckless taking of someone else' s life. Those fighting for the right to live our the ones in this country to be honored. They are true soldiers fighting for freedom. Freedom to live.

Do what you have to do to stand by life, to support life, and to honor life. It will go well with you.

Please have a good day and take time for reflection on all the lives that have been snuffed out by individauls who have chosen to not reverence life, who have chosen to make blind decisions for an individual that was created at conception. And maybe the creation of the person was before conception. There are many mysteries that must not be taken for granted.


Mrs. Burkholder

ps. Where is the lawyer for that life hidden in a womb?

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