Thursday, September 04, 2008

Ain't She Something!

Sarah Palin waits for the crowd to stop clapping. She begins and I am smitten. Though I am a woman I am often annoyed by a woman's voice from a podium, either too Tammy Fayish or too clip clopish. Sarah's put my criticism mode to rest, I am free to listen. I am free to be impressed.

Look at her, look at them, her children watching their mother give an historical address. Their mother is the closest to the presidency that any woman has ever been. She crosses the political lines and reaches into the woman's heart and says, "I understand, trust me." She reaches into your heart and makes you feel like a cup of tea and chat are in order.

Her speech is clear, direct, nononsense, compassionate, inspiring, and hopeful.
She let her chef go, what??? It makes me rethink my want for a chef.
I just need to buck up.

There is something that does frustrate me about her. Her juggling act, her amazing juggling act is more than I want to see. I'm always looking for rationalizations to explain my not so organized life, not going to find them around with Missy Sara. They were pulled right out from under my fanny as I listened to this sharp chick!

I'm hers! I want to do what needs to be done to get her elected. McCain is going to have to get use to this woman taking the thunder and the lighting, she's superwoman. I want to see this woman in the White House!

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