Friday, July 31, 2009

Lucia Whalen - Have her over for tea...........

Breaking News: Go to Drudge Report and read "Three Amigos Get Suds"

Dear Mr. President,

Good morning, Mr. President. Another great day. Nothing to do with the weather, just another day to be alive~! We can't take anything for granted. I was glad to see on Thursday morning that you have decided to not rush the Health Care Reform through in the abbreviated time period but that in fact you are taking more time. I was talking to a friend the other day whose husband has not sold a new home in months and they just lost their health insurance. She said even though they are not covered currently she still doesn't want anything rushed through without giving time to our elected officials to fine comb it.

Necessity is the mother of invention, this is a time to go deep and look at the obvious ways we can change with upholding our capitalistic ways and means.

But let's move on. I think it was a great effort on your part to have a beer with the "boys" who were in the news this past week. We are all human, we all lose our cool, and I believe this is what happened to your friend. He was tired, he just wanted in, and he was vulnerable. The very thing that he has been known to uphold, an embracing view of all races, was challenged and it just so happened to make the news for whatever reason. For you to want to have them come together I think was a good move on your part. But let's talk about Lucia Whalen. Did you invite her and she declined? Or did you not think of it? Listen, all you need to do is call me and I'll help you walk through some of these issues. Sometimes you need real "common" folk like myself to help you think around the block.

Lucia Whalen now needs for you to encourage her efforts. This is not a time when someone like Lucia should be vilified and I can not imagine this is your intent. However, your silence is speaking volumes.

This is how I see it. Lucia notices two men trying to force a door open. She thinks to herself, why don't they have a key? Her brain clicks into gear and she comes to the conclusion that it is because they don't belong there. Most home owners have hidden keys on their properties, you don't often see homeowners forcing themselves into their homes. It has been reported that she did not make mention to the 911 dispatcher anyone's race. C'mon! This needs your attention. We, the American people need to be encouraged to look out for one another. Lucia needs to be thanked for making that call.

I know you will do something for her, you must. We need to be encouraged to be eyes for each other. There are Neighborhood Watches all over this nation. By your silence people might be reluctant to look out for one another. She did the right thing and because of the publicness of this event you have to do something to honor her courage and to dispel the racist comments flying her way. But don't have her for a beer, have her for a cup of tea.

Blessings on your day and remember there is no problem or situation that God does not know about, that God does not care about and that God does not have the answers for to help you make wise decisions.

Ask for wisdom like Solomon but just keep to one wife, alright?!


Mrs. Burkholder

P.S. You can view our family on this website. The Burkholder Family

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