Picture Credit: Geoffrey Burkholder in one of his contemplative moments, ya gotta be quick with the camera for these moments.
Geoff calls me yesterday while I was at the grocery store. Geoff always calls me with something. He is the boy who wakes up in the morning ready to do whatever we are not doing. He is the boy who is known by many that I might never meet. He is the horse at the gate ready to bolt. Yet he is my guy who will spend half the night talking of deep and contemplative subjects. What a packed kid.
His friend, Evan, calls him after school to tell Geoff that he was in every one of Evan's classes. Great! Here we go. I placed the affadavit (that piece of paper given to a school district stating your intent of homeschooling)in the portfolios. The school district obviously did not see the paper. This is not a problem except that now Geoff thinks he should just go this year and see what it is like. Obstacle.
The processing we had accomplished a couple of weeks ago when I had made an appointment to see the guidance counselor at the Middle school was fading. A couple of days before I planned to see the counselor Geoff decides he would rather stay home this year. He was realizing what he will be missing if he went to school. Now this obstacle is placed right in our path on the first day of homeschooling.
Yesterday it was close. Why not just send him? What is the big deal? These thoughts float in my mind innocuously, innocently not thinking of what has led us to our decision to home school....believing that God led us to this decision.
Staying on course with homeschooling has probably been one of the most challenging things I have yet to do! These obstacles are not something I step over lightly or process carelessly. What if this is meant to be? Am I keeping Geoff from significant opportunities? My mind hurts thinking of all of this! What if, what if, what if? I have said it and I will say it again; swimming upstream against the culture is really hard. Why can't Lynn and I just live like the rest?
God has led us to home school and for now this is what we are to do, I think...........I know, I hope, I pray. Would you pray for me?
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