Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Relationships Reigns Over Tasks

Peeking in a farmhouse kitchen window last night and caugth a glimpse of a high level meeting. You would have seen six women hunched around a kitchen table a little after eight o'clock at night discussing important issues, Children's Sunday School. We're serious about this, it's the future leaders of the local church we're concerned about. We'll be members of their congregation someday soon and we want to have a part in that.

We're discussing a curriculum that is right up our alley. Our goal has nothing to do with entertaining but instructing. This curriculum fits the bill. Our goal is intruction in the foundational truths of Christianity we refuse to bore them, that's a sin!

I'm awed by the women, their main question is, can I tweak this curriculum, can I add to it. Many teachers just want something handed to them requiring little to no work. Not these women. I have the priviledge of rubbing shoulders with them!

We have projects to lead these children though, we have mini-lessons to include, we have the church members to introduce them to, we have missionaries that we want to interview in front of them, we have church life to explain!

This is high level conversations with consequences eternal. If more people thought like this a Sunday School teacher would the most sought out after. To have a chance to make a difference in one child's life that will make a difference in a number of lives, well, I can't imagine a better pursuit!

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