Friday, September 11, 2009


Dear Mr. President,

I am aghast and I am amazed at my lack of remembrance. I just emailed you about a rainy day, blah, blah ...and I forgot about the heartache that swirls around this day, September 11, otherwise known as 9/11!

Today the clouds weep. Eight years ago the streets of New York City and Washington were swarming with people unaware what their future held, unaware that this day was their last, unaware that war was forthcoming, unaware.

The day was brilliant, a movie rendition of these cities in their late summer splendor.

We are never to assume anything by the way it looks. That day helped us to understand this.

I am grateful for the lack of an attack in the eight years that have followed. I am sick to my stomach, however, for the many men and women who have died because of the declaration of war on terrorism.

How will you honor the previous administration and their valiant efforts to abort any such further attacks? How will you honor the men and women who are still fighting against terrorism?

There is nothing for me to boast of for my lack of rememberance. However, there are many men and women who have, for the past eight years, put their lives on the line, intercepted possible attacks and helped to stop them. These men and women have been agents of protection and change and enable knuckleheads like myself to wake up and forget. These men and women are to boast of while the rest of us must honor them and all involved with intentional rememberance. We are Free to forget but with that freedom let us remember the lives lost, the families broken, the soldiers wounded, and our need to be men and women of valor.

You are the President of the United States in a remarkable time of history. May your name be remembered with gratitude.


Mrs. Burkholder

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