Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why I Write to You, Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

It's been over a week since I last penned you a post. I do realize that you are not reading these posts. But somebody is and to you, that somebody, I hope this finds you well. The writing of these letters has done many things, all of them important. In referring to this little exercise I am doing I use the word, cathartic.

It is keeping me in the know. I scan the headlines, read articles, keep my ear to the ground for this endeavor. For many individuals that I know, keeping in the know is the last thing that they want to do. I am providing a service for my "head in the sand" friends when I give them my updates. I do what I can......

My heart is softened to you. The day President Clinton became president is a day I'll never forget. I remember what I was doing when I heard the news. It was a gloomy day, a dark day, an apocalyptic day for many of us. I didn't want to succumb to that with your presidency. You are a person, if I met you tomorrow I would not turn and walk away because of our vast disagreements, I would shake your hand and smile. I do not want to be a hypocrite.

I want to be in prayer for you with a right attitude. A right attitude never has anything to do with circumstantial surroundings, contrary to public opinion. I am a Christ follower and His ways are "Just Love". I desire to be like Him. Writing to you is keeping my attitude in check. (I think it took me far to long to get to this point!)

I disagree with you on many accounts. I am concerned for the anger I see brimming beneath the surface that leaks out by some of your unguarded comments. But my heart is there with you walking alongside of you in prayer. You and I have much in common by way of our humanness.

I want to be humble, I want to be of service, I want to be compassionate. These posts are aiding me in my pursuit of all that. I am saddened, however by the miles that separates me from my desires.

Today, have a good one. Go to the wisdom giver, the wisdom creator, the one who puts all things in perspective, the "I AM."

Blessings on your day, Mr. President.


Mrs. Burkholder

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