Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Horse Out of the Gate? It Should Be That Way But....

Every morning I wake up with a fresh determination to get right at it and read my bible so I can educate these birds, of course after I walk. I walk at 6:00 a.m. and though I start out looking like a drunken sailor I come home invigorated. I always intend to crack open the Bible. But.......as soon as I walk into the kitchen there it is, the COMPUTER, the window to the world, the connection to everyone.

I slip into the chair and I check my email, I go to Drudge Report and catch up on the latest bad news, I start working on this blog, I recheck my email...
I am so easily distracted. I am writing this at 5:57 a.m., how much do you want to bet that today will be different? Different because now I will feel really guilty.

What amazes me is how easy it is for me to forget what I have learned in the past! The days when I start out, after my walk, meditating on the Bible and talking with the God of the universe are days with a sense of continuity, consistency, and order. These days help me to "get right to it." They are also days where I experience Joy.

What is my problem?

It is now 7:55 a.m. Guess what I did not do? I am going right now......really, I am.
Tommorrow will be different.


sarah diama said...

lynne, found your blog through rachel! I enjoyed spending some time reading it, and enjoyed this post - i've been thinking about those VERY SAME things all summer. Glad to know i'm not alone :) Think about you all often! xoxo

Lynne Burkholder said...

Sarah! Welcome to my random, wandering, sight! Honesty is so up there on the priority list. None of us are alone, except maybe those who are not being honest with themselves or with us!

I have not been consistent with the blogging due to the fact that I have been digging into the word now at 5:00 am. Geesh, I sure am ready for bed at night! :)

I watched your video of your daughters and was warmed. JD and you are wonderful parents! Such a quirky man you have who has a depth that doesn't stop. And you dear woman are a treasure.
Thanks for stopping in!