Monday, February 07, 2011

Big Brother to Little Brother

I found this on the kitchen counter the day of Geoff's first day at Twin Valley Middle School. Chris had already left for Kutztown. Chris told Geoff the night before that he was worried for him. Chris said that he would have been destroyed in school. This is what my 21 year old penned to his bro on January 31, 2011.


Hey man first and foremost I love you! Today you go to the big building on the hill. Copngrats for somehow drugging mom into letting you go.

You have been told a lot about what not to do when you go there but there
are a few things I need you to remember.

Be you, don't compromise. People love you and for good reason. You are who I look to for spiritual encouragement, you are the kind of strong I want to be.

We are the luckiest of brothers because we share our amazing parents.

Second thing I want you to remember is look to God for your answers, he made us and sure knows how to help us.

Third remember I love you and whatever you need I am always there for you.

But if you had to remember anything at any given moment remember to look to God for your answers.

Love you brother,


Kathleen Stoltzfus said...

That was just beautiful - and a testament to you and Lynn's parenting and family-building.

Lynne Burkholder said...

I was awed. I appreciate your kind words and affirmation. It is a testament to how God can take patheticness and turn it into something good when we weakly offer it up to Him...........that just sounded really "pat" but it is more truer than notter.

Charis O'Connell said...

I would be crying if I were you...I hope my sons grow up close and that God gives me the grace to raise them right. He certainly has given you that grace!