Sunday, August 22, 2004

Settlers vs. Pioneers

There are settlers and pioneers in every generation. Some have put ruts in the ground with their covered wagons and others put tire tracks on the pavement with their rubber-covered wheels. Janet and Jerry definitely have the pioneer blood in them, a desire to travel to new parts.

For the settlers left behind, it just stinks. You want to be adventuresome but you’re not so you end up feeling like a wimp. Now to the pioneer all of the settlers’ thoughts are just crazy. The pioneer doesn’t need company, they are not trying to sign people up to follow them. They are fine with the settlers staying put, leaving wouldn’t be leaving if everyone was following…

They left and we all were sad but we were also interested in their sojourn. I knew Janet would keep me updated along with all her other close friends. She’s good at that. Their adventures were going to be interesting.

Now had I been the one leaving, not much contact would have happened. I’m present minded. If you come to my house I’ll serve you tea and sit down and drink some cups with you. But if you are not in front of me, writing a letter requires me to schedule time to write and scheduling is not one of my finer points.

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