Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Guess I Have to Do It!

My husband three weeks ago complained that it seemed like it was going to default to him to start the stand, the coffee stand. I stared at him, eyes squinted at his eyes, hearing more than he was saying. Default to him? Where was he going with this? Was I suppose to feel sorry and raise my hand to rescue him from the default pit he was falling into? Those who know me know full well that mercy is something I always have to ask for!

We live along a busy road, we roast coffee, we sell coffee and for years he has wanted to sell coffee along our route. He even made a stand two years ago. We have used that stand, had to right that stand when the wind blew it over, tweaked that stand and have waited to use that stand.

Lynn knew the time was right and now he was bemoaning the fact. I was confused, I thought this was the awaited moment. I have been wrong before. Maybe it was looking more real, he could feel the pain of waking at 5:30 a.m., stumbling out to the studio to brew, and setting up the stand in the dark.

We have been selling our wares at a local Farmer's Market in Elverson, PA. The market was ending in October and people were wondering where now they could go for a cup of TwinValleyCoffee. We wondered too.

We came to the market like a dog being led to his crate when all he wants to do is play. Elverson has a newsletter and our names appeared in it with a request that people ask us to be apart of the Market. They wanted coffee. All we could think of was the commitment of every Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. However, we were honored and realized that after all was said and done we would probably shudder at the thought of not doing it. Sometimes we are just plain dumb!

I wake up to a stellar cup of coffee everyday and how wonderful it was to share this with all the people we served at our stand. What a privilege to meet the residents of Elverson as well and serve them their Saturday morning cup of coffee. Surprisingly and really not so, it interrupted not a thing, we are just not that busy.

Now it was time and Lynn knew it. Time to pull that big old heavy clunker of a thing (don't tell him I said so)out to the side of the road and open up the Coffee Shack! And here he was complaining. Aye Vaye...what to do with this guy. We discussed this for a while and when we ended our discussion, let's just say, he was good to go.

I hauled off to Rhode Island to help my mother recuperate from an operation and Lynn stayed home and during that time opened up the Coffee Shack. The picture on this post is what he sent me via cell phone. I just smiled.

We are having fun. We both look forward to the wonderful people who stop and chat and purchase the best cup of coffee in town. We even let our friend Keith Grant stand there with his Dunkin Donuts stryofoam cup. Hey, you gotta start somewhere. We'll get him eventually. He likes the stryofoam, we like the paper........

Default, yea buddy, I guess it did default to you. You were the one with this coffee dream.


sarah diama said...

A styrofoam cup! ick... i bring my own coffee cup to functions if i know ahead of time that there will be styrofoam (such a snob...) well wished to the coffee stand adventure, I wish i could swing by! I think of you both so often as our good friend roasts his own coffee and teaches classes on 'tasting coffee' and i get to drink his practices for the latte art competitions. I would too DRAG my feet at getting up early....

Lynne Burkholder said...

We are still so "coffee" basic, no latte competitions for us, yet. A man today came by the Coffee stand inquiring of the coffee maker we sell on our site, I think he is going to take the plunge!
He says he has been leaving his house with his wife's cup of coffee, throwing it out and buying ours at the Saturday morning Elverson's Farmer's Market.

I told him that if he buys this expensive coffee maker, made in the Netherlands, he will never buy from us again, a cup of coffee, he will have his very own! Much can happen in the am! ;)

Lynne Burkholder said...
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