Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another " Should I Be Days"........

My track, like this track affected by an earthquake, needs a line up. Too many of these "Should I Be Days" in a row are fatal to my momentum. I am off course. Today was one of those days. I explained these funk kind of days before, just a few days ago.

I have not had a slew of these days because Lynn knows how to talk me off this cliff. But something went haywire today. Ah, now I know what it was! I was on Facebook at 5:15 a.m. looking at pictures of a young girl who is now in college. Her mother is an old friend. Early in the morning I was looking over somebody else's fence and wondering if my children were getting an adequate education. And all this just from looking at pictures, on facebook. How p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c is that? Say it, go ahead!

The Bible Study tonight I attended was on God's sovereignty. We are studying Daniel. This was the tonic I needed to kick me out of the slump. (sounds so dang spiritual, but the truth)

I am good to go for tomorrow. In fact I was so relieved after Bible study I decided it was time for a celebration. We headed over to Walmart and purchased the necessary fixings for nachos! I could eat a plate full of nachos with cheese, refried beans, etc. till I am blue in the face. Now it is 12:28 p.m., I am going to be exhausted. My day is full, I might be prone to more fence peeking because of being tired........

So, welcome to my world.


melissa said...

we must be neighbors :)

Lynne Burkholder said...

I bet we are! :)