Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bit of an Interruption During My Pondering of Life

I have been thinking about the essence of life. Dear friends in the past two weeks have had to say a permanent goodbye to their loved ones or they have stood by the hospital bed listening to the doctor give a negative prognosis of their loved one.

Life just stinks. It is full of sickness, sadness, and heartache. We never know what tomorrow will hold.

However, I will enjoy the moments God has given me. I will be content where I am, right now. The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want. I will follow where He leads me, not where I want to go. I will assume where He leads me is a well thought out plan.

As I am writing, at this very moment, just after I penned the previous paragraph, my son, Geoff, has entered my bedroom with a tray full of breakfast food. These are the moments I will cherish. We are alive, we will eat breakfast, and we will catch a flic on my new netbook!

Just when I was thinking about the essence of shows up!

And for my friends right now who are watching their loved ones suffer, I am asking God for peace, peace that will leave them clueless as to how in the world they could have peace at a time like this. Yet peace that comforts right to their very core!


melissa said...

Lynne...your prayers are being answered. Your post sums up where I need to life. Thank you for your love, support, caring for my kids and praying! We sit here with question marks, knowing God is leading, comforting and present. I love you!!

Lynne Burkholder said...

Your children are welcome here anytime! Peace!