I live in my mind. I think too much. I need to be more active than I am, I need to just do sometimes. And most of all I need to get perspective!
My mind is a wonderful place. My mind is a scary place. My mind is a creative place. My mind is a destructive place. It is in my mind that within one second I can go from seeing the world as a gloomy place to seeing the world as a cheery place.
Lynn came in yesterday and relayed to me that he was fighting for perspective amongst the circumstances. It bothered me, it brought me down. I can be in turmoil but, please no one else. Everyone else must stand strong. If you do not feel strong, keep me happy and lie.
In that instant Lynn shared, my mind spiraled down. The circumstances all lined up sneering at me,laughing and mocking me. Until, until, I turned on the circumstances. Whose laughing now??
Circumstances are not dictators like they think they are. Circumstances are nothing like perspective, they are just circumstances. Circumstances can not lend me a hand, only perspective has that power.
Perspective lines up circumstances as fast as circumstances scrambles perspective. Perspective keeps circumstances under control with more force than circumstances can keep perspective from gaining control.
Our minds have the God given ability to allow perspective to take the upper hand with our circumstances. It is that God given ability I am ever grateful for, the big view, the arch, the umbrella that forces the rain to find another path.
Winter, I fear is the time most often that circumstances come to taunt. Reliance on the power of perspective is needed most on these days when fresh air, exercise, and clear skies,perspective's friends, are harder to find.
1 comment:
This post is AMAZING!!! Your blog is AMAZING....and I am left wondering how to convincingly BEG you to write more and more and more???? I am a mutual friend of our dear Linda Diamantopoulas, and I conversed with you around her kitchen table, last time at Paul's 60th, and I recall there too, wishing I had all the time in the world to glean from you. It was not because I perceived you to have it "all together", but rather because you radiated confidence in HIM, a great sense of a humor and a completely approachable persona...plus, I loved your perspective on motherhood, even from the little we shared.
Seriously, I love what I have read here so far on this rainy morning, particularly this post. I do not read parenting books, mostly because I do not have time and secondly because I would much rather glean from women I actually know whose mothering I admire. There is no doubt you have more to share, and if the Spirit is any bit leading to do more of this on here, I implore you to follow!! If not, I'll just have to ask Linda for a tea date with you as part of it! I know you just have an ample segment of spare time in which to indulge young mamas for tea parties. ;)
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