Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Super Woman!

I am and you are too! I am super woman. I successfully navigated through another Christmas season. I am high fiving all my friends, "We did it!" "Done!"
I hate the way we find ways to brag these days. Facebook allows us to do it and we think, discreetly! Sorry, not so, it still boils down to bragging.

Guess what, I am indiscreetly, unashamedly bragging! I am super woman! Here is why! I came through this holiday season with memories to last a lifetime, accomplishments that just keep giving and relationships in tack.

Do you know why I can brag???? Because it is all due to the strength and energy of Jesus Christ who chose to be vulnerable and die so that I might be strong and live! I am super woman because He made me so!

Amen to that! The victorious Christian Life! Are you living it? If not, ask yourself why!


sarah diama said...

love the bragging! it's the best kind of boasting - boasting in the strength God has given us :)

Lynne Burkholder said...

Sarah, can you tell, I have successfully crashed...........highs and lows. The elephant chasing me caught me! God has given us strength and now he needs to give me yet some more perspective! :)