Friday, January 14, 2011

Let Your Domicile Persuade You to Be Real

"Homes are notoriously materialistic in that they only seduce human inhabitants as a means to acquire more furniture, cars, and jewelry. Submit to the whims of a persuasive domicile with today's Groupon....."

Well now, don't sugar coat it. That is an interesting way to get someone to come out of their house on a cold winter's day to indulge in some more materialism. I had to read it not just twice but four or five times. This was a Groupon advertisement that found its way to my email in box. Hopefully the advertiser has a better view of his home than he has expressed here.

However, homes do not have to be the catalyst for materialism. A home can be the catalyst for good conversations, good times together, laughs that ring through time, and darn good food.

I will never forget an auction I was at in a down pour. All the family's possessions were soaked on the lawn ready to be auctioned. All the spending to come to this end.

In our backyard there have been more celebrations and reasons for gathering than you could count on the fingers of both your hands. All you need is a blanket, a few rickety lawn chairs or maybe even a log?!

Our domicile persuades us to be real, not materialistic, to be creative not just boring consumers. Our domicile provides a sanctuary for our thoughts, our ways, our person-hood.

Edith Schaeffer has much to share on this topic, more from her later. I need to find her book and then I will share some of her needed insights.

For now, Groupon, I will be trying to stay warm in this cold breezy home filled with warm bodies and great couches acquired either from a yard sale or the generosity of a neighbor. I will wait till someone satisfies their material desire and acquires a home necessity and then loses interest in it and sells it for cheap, really cheap. That is when you will see me show up.

My domicile persuades us to be real.


Kathleen Stoltzfus said...

Your domicile is a place of warm welcome.

Lynne Burkholder said...

Your person needs to come to my domicile. I have been thinking about you lately. Thank you for your kind words.

Kathleen Stoltzfus said...

My person would love to come to your domicile, but first it is going to Florida for a week to visit parents. Heading out tomorrow morning and will be coming back on the 24th. By the way, I welcome your thoughts.

Lynne Burkholder said...

May you be warm in Florida. I hear that is a bit of a challenge these days. When you return let's get planning.

Unknown said...

Hi Lynnie... I like to check in on your thoughts every so often. We need to get together soon. Miss you.