Monday, January 31, 2011

My Guy!

Today is one unique day for the Burkholder Academy. One of our students is heading off to the Middle School. Geoff and I went to the Middle School on Friday to sign him up for two classes; Animation with Tammy Taylor and World History with Mr. Faro. Little did we know that when we would leave the building we would leave with papers that would enable him to walk back into the school completely enrolled on Monday.

My son, Chris, wonders how Geoffrey drugged me into letting him do this. Geoffrey and I know there were no drugs involved. Geoff decided in that office on Friday that he should just come. This was no easy decision as evidenced by the fact that in the Fall he backed out of that decision two weeks before school started. He had been processing this for a long time.

His older siblings went through this as well. They wanted to go to school for eighth grade. For some reason or other it was decided that home was the best option. Robyn owned her education after a seminar in eighth grade. She realized it was hers to direct and direct she did. She was the child who for instance would read every John Updike book and then answer questions on the internet about him.

Christopher focused on guitar at this age and spent hours practicing. Kathryn began spending more and more time doing art, quilting and what not. Geoff wanders. Geoff is in need of owning his education.

Some of the teachers he has are ones we already have a relationship with and this should make the transition easier. Geoff is one to talk, Geoff is one to wander, Geoff will face the music.

I bawled last night as the three watched me in amazement and howled with laughter at what they described as whale sounds. I will miss Geoffrey for the hours he is away. Geoffrey is a kind son to me. He gets me. We spend hours talking.

If I see one change in this kid's character, if his three older siblings see one change in this kid's character, we are forming a posse and pulling that kid out as quick as you can say Public Education.

However, I have a feeling Geoff is going to find the structure that his random mind needs. I have a feeling that his kindness will be put to good use. I have a feeling that the opportunities will expand his mind.I have a feeling he will learn how to listen in a classroom. I have a feeling he will need to depend on His God.

His God goes with him! And when that bell tolls for school to end, I will be there cause Geoff and I have a date!


melissa said...

Lynne! I cried reading this! I am so hopeful and excited for Geoff!! I am so aching for you! I know your heart will miss him! (and your need for a good laugh or hug!) But you are right - God goes with him! Have a great day and date tonight! xoxoxox

Lynne Burkholder said...

Melissa, I can not even see to write you back. With all the wailing I am doing, I believe we made the right decision......
it is usually the child who needs the umbilical cord's me!

Thank you! And may God heal your Dad completely! More than we can imagine...........

rachel said...

this made me cry too ;)
at what a wonderful mama you are, and how you make yourself vulnerable to your family and your friends, that we get to see this side of you. your decisions, your doubts, your thoughts.
oh man!
do i really need to wait until july for my next coffee-time with lynne?...
a little selfishly sad about that...

keep us posted on the public school adventure!