Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Birthday wish for a friend turning fifty! How did I get here?

As you embark on your next fifty years, just a bit daunting, may you feel the significance of each moment, may it not be wasted on frustrations of the past or expectations of the future. May you increase in your gratitude of the simple things of life. May you spend time with your growing children and never see it as a waste. May you deal with honesty in your reflections of yourself. May you strive for the TRUTH and seek it out as you would gold or silver not resting content until true treasure is found. May you not rest with the thoughts that hound but figure out why the hounding and then rest. May you see your husband as he should be seen and may you love him more than you did the day you married him. May you watch the changing of the seasons as child plays with a new enchanted toy. May you say yes to tea with a friend though your schedule says no. May you not waste time on idle friendships where the talk is focused on self gratification. May you see the evil and run to the GOOD.

May you know what cause should require your all. May you see the green, the blues, the purples, the reds in creation and marvel with a marvel that leaves you pondering depth.

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